I bought a blank frame on ebay for a very cheap price and when it turned up it was a create, it had the original bottom bracket in it and while trying to remove it the whole thing exploded. Thats not very reassuring! I built it up anyway as I wanted to get a feel for riding a frame with track geometry and have a nice ish looking bike as my previous frame was fooked. I have had it for about 8 weeks and it flexes a fair amount when really pushed and has an unnerving creak occasionally when you resist the pedals with a fair amount of force. I am now on the look out for a decent second hand steel frame as I am genuinely worried that this frame will snap, luckily the frame is the only Create part and the rest of the components are fairly decent quality. I'm taking it as a lesson learn't and motivation to go and buy something better, I wouldn't recommend them to anyone who is looking for a fixed/single speed bike/frame. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone infact! Unfortunately I was naive in my purchase and I think the seller was a little shady claiming he didn't know what brand it was when I'm sure he knew full well hence the silly price.
So yeah, anyone got a really cheap steel track frame that would go with white wheels?
I bought a blank frame on ebay for a very cheap price and when it turned up it was a create, it had the original bottom bracket in it and while trying to remove it the whole thing exploded. Thats not very reassuring! I built it up anyway as I wanted to get a feel for riding a frame with track geometry and have a nice ish looking bike as my previous frame was fooked. I have had it for about 8 weeks and it flexes a fair amount when really pushed and has an unnerving creak occasionally when you resist the pedals with a fair amount of force. I am now on the look out for a decent second hand steel frame as I am genuinely worried that this frame will snap, luckily the frame is the only Create part and the rest of the components are fairly decent quality. I'm taking it as a lesson learn't and motivation to go and buy something better, I wouldn't recommend them to anyone who is looking for a fixed/single speed bike/frame. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone infact! Unfortunately I was naive in my purchase and I think the seller was a little shady claiming he didn't know what brand it was when I'm sure he knew full well hence the silly price.
So yeah, anyone got a really cheap steel track frame that would go with white wheels?