• I don't think Vince's software will allow us to chop off the extremities as we go though, will it?

    I'm gonna run a BBQ for this if people are cool with it? Proceeds going towards the London Open, you can always put your own meat/veg on the coals too though...

    Who wants to take charge of this? I'm happy to do it, but thought someone else might be better at it (Gabes, Mark, etc... format/scheduling whizz kids).

    This is what I'm thinking:

    1. New thread asking for teams to register, teams losely seeded (transparently) based on Cambridge and any previous wins/experience.
    2. Team registration closes on the Monday the 11th of April at midday.
    3. Scheduling worked out for SR with teams dropping off at the extremes, lots of dry runs pre-tourney.
    4. Referees asked to come forward for the event/list of people in the main thread.
    5. 15th April 2011, Referee meeting at the Orwell (or equivalent) at a convenient time (bad for non-Londoners to attend, do it Saturday morning instead?).
    6. 16th April 2011, 10am arrival at Newington... referee chat to teams and court sweeping, first games to start at 11am?
    7. Finish up whenever, announce top 10 slots, drink, celebrate, be merry.
    8. Send UK slot allocation to GHJ.