as above, AFAIK modern house cats have adapted only so far to processed foods etc, but they still need a bit of bird/vermin to eat. ours used to eat tinned food for weeks, then get a little sick, leave the house for a few days on a hunting mission, then come back right as reign again. She lived till the very ripe old age of 17/18! though it was digestive system that gave up on her in the end, never sure whether it was just age, or tinned cat foods that cause it.
Raw food adherents claim that cats should live to 20+ years, and that as you say, the only reason that they don't is because their internals give up due to poor diet. How true this is, I don't know.
Raw food adherents claim that cats should live to 20+ years, and that as you say, the only reason that they don't is because their internals give up due to poor diet. How true this is, I don't know.