• #27
Needs a thread/invite outside of the LPC with some sort of idea of start time and link to the courts and a new list of teams that are attending?
Mark mentioned trying to knock the outer limits off the SR once they were dead certs for first/last so you end up with 10th and 11th as the final game (fighting for the last UK Euros spot).
• #28
Mark mentioned trying to knock the outer limits off the SR once they were dead certs for first/last so you end up with 10th and 11th as the final game (fighting for the last UK Euros spot).
You could set up 10th vs 11th, but at that stage (depending on how many rounds you're doing) you may have 3 or 4 games that determine a team's top ten status. For example if you're in 8th place and you lose your last game to the the seventh place team, you probably won't be top 10.
• #29
Good point Kev, I guess it's more about doing enough rounds so the mid table is super accurate and letting everyone know their "standing" after each of the final few games, so the tournament naturally finishes on a high/tense game?
• #30
it just depends on how many rounds you have. just do a dry run-through on paper. Or better yet, or ask Vince (twitter.com/hardcourtpodium) to set you up with tourney a week before, do the run-through on Podium with fake scores, then ask him to reset the game data before the tourney). you'll see how it all plays out.
• #31
I don't think Vince's software will allow us to chop off the extremities as we go though, will it?
I'm gonna run a BBQ for this if people are cool with it? Proceeds going towards the London Open, you can always put your own meat/veg on the coals too though...
Who wants to take charge of this? I'm happy to do it, but thought someone else might be better at it (Gabes, Mark, etc... format/scheduling whizz kids).
This is what I'm thinking:
- New thread asking for teams to register, teams losely seeded (transparently) based on Cambridge and any previous wins/experience.
- Team registration closes on the Monday the 11th of April at midday.
- Scheduling worked out for SR with teams dropping off at the extremes, lots of dry runs pre-tourney.
- Referees asked to come forward for the event/list of people in the main thread.
- 15th April 2011, Referee meeting at the Orwell (or equivalent) at a convenient time (bad for non-Londoners to attend, do it Saturday morning instead?).
- 16th April 2011, 10am arrival at Newington... referee chat to teams and court sweeping, first games to start at 11am?
- Finish up whenever, announce top 10 slots, drink, celebrate, be merry.
- Send UK slot allocation to GHJ.
- New thread asking for teams to register, teams losely seeded (transparently) based on Cambridge and any previous wins/experience.
• #32
sounds good
• #33
I think you should start the games earlier on the saturday. 9am like last year.
• #34
Yes, tell people to get there early, get started early, you wont be under such time pressure later on.
London teams have no excuse arriving late, get out of bed you lazy fucks.
Plus you'll also get the courts - have you talked to Southwark?
Are there organised kids football games on a Saturday? -
• #35
What about Scottish/far off teams though? Ask them to come down the night before?
Courts are easy, I can ask Mirander to reserve them for us I reckon (doing that now).
• #36
depends on number of teams i would say, we can still get there at 9 to sweep etc
• #37
You can get a good lot of the London v London games out of the way first if long distancers arent arriving until lunchtime or so.
Was there south drills on Monday? Anyone know what time the lights now go off at?
Could be 10pm :-) -
• #38
SR doesn't work like that unfortunately (round 1 must finish before round 2 can start).
No idea about the lights, the council will be keen to get them reset to 9pm (their agreement with locals and new policy for Newt), but may not be "on top of it" and may forget about it entirely?
Cool to start sweeping at 9, first game at 10am then?
How many teams is in?