Paul, I've had a long-running hip joint saga (the sacro-iliac joint, apparently). I was completely mystified as to where the pain was coming from for years. GPs were worse than useless and I was sent for all sorts of nonsense like gastro-intestinal tests. I have problems with all major joints on that side--shoulder, hip, knee. One-sided cycling, I think. Perhaps try getting that checked out?
In any case, go and see a reputable professional (it may not be that bad right now that you feel you should, but it could get worse and the earlier you have it looked at, the better) and don't rely on us hipsters. You must have seen bluerip00's Physiotherapy thread.
Paul, I've had a long-running hip joint saga (the sacro-iliac joint, apparently). I was completely mystified as to where the pain was coming from for years. GPs were worse than useless and I was sent for all sorts of nonsense like gastro-intestinal tests. I have problems with all major joints on that side--shoulder, hip, knee. One-sided cycling, I think. Perhaps try getting that checked out?
In any case, go and see a reputable professional (it may not be that bad right now that you feel you should, but it could get worse and the earlier you have it looked at, the better) and don't rely on us hipsters. You must have seen bluerip00's Physiotherapy thread.