@sheathy - B303PH, South B'ham for intersection of NCN5 and local 55 routes.
@Tenderloin - I can take some measurements, though it won't be immediate. It's my wife's old bike and she is 5'8", though she likes to have the saddle so she can touch the floor with her feet, so it should in theory suit shorter & that's the setup with the saddle all the way down so it should also be fine for taller. For regular use it should need new tyres I'd say.
@sheathy - B303PH, South B'ham for intersection of NCN5 and local 55 routes.
@Tenderloin - I can take some measurements, though it won't be immediate. It's my wife's old bike and she is 5'8", though she likes to have the saddle so she can touch the floor with her feet, so it should in theory suit shorter & that's the setup with the saddle all the way down so it should also be fine for taller. For regular use it should need new tyres I'd say.