Seek a genuine reduction in danger for all road users by identifying and controlling the principal sources of threat.
Find new measures to define the level of danger on our roads. These would more accurately monitor the use of and threat to benign modes.
Discourage the unnecessary use of motor transport where alternative benign modes or public transport are equally or more viable.
Pursue a transport strategy for environmentally sustainable travel based on developing efficient, integrated public transport systems.
This would recognise that current levels of motor traffic should not be increased.
Actively promote cycling and walking, which pose little threat to other road users, by taking positive and co-ordinated action to increase the safety and mobility of these benign modes.
Promote the adoption of this charter as the basis of both national and international transport policy.
Here is the RDR charter:
The Road Danger Reduction Charter pledges to:
This would recognise that current levels of motor traffic should not be increased.
Some local authorities have signed up to this