Just popped round decathlon fort some AA batteries, on my way back over Tower Bridge saw like 50ish people, men and women, all ages, assortment of bikes etc crossing the bridge in a big group yelling and yowing...
One guy had been towing what looked like a subwoofer, blaring loud music in all directions. I was going the opposite way, naturally (f*ck my life), was tempted to do a U turn and join in the bandwagon.
Anyone know what that was all about? Hope it was a party, being friday and all...
Just popped round decathlon fort some AA batteries, on my way back over Tower Bridge saw like 50ish people, men and women, all ages, assortment of bikes etc crossing the bridge in a big group yelling and yowing...
One guy had been towing what looked like a subwoofer, blaring loud music in all directions. I was going the opposite way, naturally (f*ck my life), was tempted to do a U turn and join in the bandwagon.
Anyone know what that was all about? Hope it was a party, being friday and all...