Put yourself on the list if you want, nothing's finalised yet.
So based on the figures they have sent us I've calculated the following prices. This does depend on the shipping being what they've worked out. As customs duty is unknown at the moment I've included a min and max figure. Obviously exchange rate changes will affect this too.
MKE poles: £12.50 - £20 each
MKE capped heads: £18.50 - £30 each
MKE uncapped heads: £15 - £24 each
Once I have more info on the customs duty I'll let you know, but if you are out at those prices please say sooner rather than later.
But given the sums involved, with maximum customs duty, this could cost thousands, which the association doesn't have. If you just want poles, I can get much cheaper ones from Europe.
Put yourself on the list if you want, nothing's finalised yet.
So based on the figures they have sent us I've calculated the following prices. This does depend on the shipping being what they've worked out. As customs duty is unknown at the moment I've included a min and max figure. Obviously exchange rate changes will affect this too.
MKE poles: £12.50 - £20 each
MKE capped heads: £18.50 - £30 each
MKE uncapped heads: £15 - £24 each
Once I have more info on the customs duty I'll let you know, but if you are out at those prices please say sooner rather than later.
But given the sums involved, with maximum customs duty, this could cost thousands, which the association doesn't have. If you just want poles, I can get much cheaper ones from Europe.