• ...without going on a dual carriageway?

    I was trying to get from Redditch to Bromsgrove without going on the A448, but it seemed no matter which way I went every sign for Bromsgrove directed me onto it.

    I have an Android phone so looked up directions on that but my glucose-starved brain just couldn't memorise the directions and I can't really cycle with my phone in my hand. Lo and behold, the most horrible, frightening 9 miles of my life on the A448

    Redditch needs to sort itself out man, I don't know if I just need to look harder or what but they don't make it easy for cyclists there.

    When I was 15 me and a mate tried to get back from the skatepark and somehow ended up on a dual carriageway - he ended up in hospital after being knocked from behind me, to 200m up the road in front of me. Luckily he was OK but still... I don't think I've cycled in a less cycle friendly place
