I built this up ages ago out of all the spare bits I had in a cupboard and got a few more to make it into a bike.
Some of the parts on it like the forks, bars and cranks are still awesome by today's standards but it's pretty outdated.
Really not expecting too much for it cashwise or I'd consider swapping for something sweet.
Frame: Macneil Ruben 20.7576689
Forks: Odysey dirt
Bars: Odyssey Civilian hi's
Stem: Voxom
Grips: ODI
Cranks: Primo Powerbite
Sprockey: 36h Primo analogue
Lever: Odyssey
Front wheel: Second cheapest in shop
Back wheel: G Sport homer to sun rim
Brake: ad990
Cable: alienation
Seat Oddyssey junior
Tires: Maxxi M tread 2.10
Pedals: Primo tenderisers
Post: Odyssey intac
If the money is half decent i could upgrade the stem to an atomlab one, some odyssey pedals and possibly some snafu pegs.
Should manage whatever you can chuck at it and it works alright except it ghost pedals when you're walking it but that's it. Probably need to dial in the brake.
I built this up ages ago out of all the spare bits I had in a cupboard and got a few more to make it into a bike.
Some of the parts on it like the forks, bars and cranks are still awesome by today's standards but it's pretty outdated.
Really not expecting too much for it cashwise or I'd consider swapping for something sweet.
Frame: Macneil Ruben 20.7576689
Forks: Odysey dirt
Bars: Odyssey Civilian hi's
Stem: Voxom
Grips: ODI
Cranks: Primo Powerbite
Sprockey: 36h Primo analogue
Lever: Odyssey
Front wheel: Second cheapest in shop
Back wheel: G Sport homer to sun rim
Brake: ad990
Cable: alienation
Seat Oddyssey junior
Tires: Maxxi M tread 2.10
Pedals: Primo tenderisers
Post: Odyssey intac
If the money is half decent i could upgrade the stem to an atomlab one, some odyssey pedals and possibly some snafu pegs.
Should manage whatever you can chuck at it and it works alright except it ghost pedals when you're walking it but that's it. Probably need to dial in the brake.