Do you have a VISA or Mastercard? I just had a look and they offer the same protection on debit as credit cards. Other institutions might not.
Do they also refund any charges incurred from missed direct debits that occur while your money is missing? When your mortgage payment is missed because your account is empty do they speak to your lender about it? If there is not a wide-spread, clear case of fraud are they so quick to refund all your money?
I'll say it again.. do not use debit cards for online transactions. If you can't get a credit card, get a prepaid card.
I pay my bills out of a different current account, to which I transfer more than enough money to cover from my visa debit account on the day I get paid... hence that wouldn't affect me.
There are various reasons I don't want a credit card, mainly that I tend to overuse credit. I'm bad enough with my overdraft & don't want another tempting debt option
I pay my bills out of a different current account, to which I transfer more than enough money to cover from my visa debit account on the day I get paid... hence that wouldn't affect me.
There are various reasons I don't want a credit card, mainly that I tend to overuse credit. I'm bad enough with my overdraft & don't want another tempting debt option