So your question is: If you downloaded the Complete Works of Shakespeare, being a 10,000 page (for sake of argument) compendium... and you want to know how long Romeo & Juliet was, that you wouldn't be able to tell from the guide on the front of the Kindle?
Sure, that's reasonable... it's exactly like seeing the big book on the shelf and not knowing how long Romeo & Juliet was from looking at that.
But... once you went into the book, the progress bar at the bottom would show chapter boundaries, which in the case of a compendium indicates book boundaries.
So... yet again, you have a meaningful indicator about the length of the book.
So your question is: If you downloaded the Complete Works of Shakespeare, being a 10,000 page (for sake of argument) compendium... and you want to know how long Romeo & Juliet was, that you wouldn't be able to tell from the guide on the front of the Kindle?
Sure, that's reasonable... it's exactly like seeing the big book on the shelf and not knowing how long Romeo & Juliet was from looking at that.
But... once you went into the book, the progress bar at the bottom would show chapter boundaries, which in the case of a compendium indicates book boundaries.
So... yet again, you have a meaningful indicator about the length of the book.