I've realised there's no need for me to have so many bikes as all I want to do is load up with the stuff I need for touring and head off on holiday, so, I'm selling lots of bits which will be posted here over the next few days.
Most of it can be collected from me at home (Willesden) or work (Tokyo Fixed)
First off;
1)Sturmey Archer S2C kick shift wheel. now SOLD
2)Next, this dynamo wheel: SOLD
3)Large black wald basket. SOLD
4)Velo Orange Left bank bars. SOLD
5) Tifosi 1" carbon race forks. SOLD
Loads more to come including a chris king 1" threaded headset, some thomson stuff, a trick wheelset, profile cranks etc etc..
I've realised there's no need for me to have so many bikes as all I want to do is load up with the stuff I need for touring and head off on holiday, so, I'm selling lots of bits which will be posted here over the next few days.
Most of it can be collected from me at home (Willesden) or work (Tokyo Fixed)
First off;
1)Sturmey Archer S2C kick shift wheel. now SOLD
2)Next, this dynamo wheel: SOLD
3)Large black wald basket. SOLD
4)Velo Orange Left bank bars. SOLD
5) Tifosi 1" carbon race forks. SOLD
Loads more to come including a chris king 1" threaded headset, some thomson stuff, a trick wheelset, profile cranks etc etc..