In times of economic hardship, insurance claims by taxi drivers increase. The reasons have been investigated by insurers. While intuitively one might assume that fraud is the cause, it is not. Apparently, it appears that in times of recession, taxi drivers spend longer between fares, plying for hire and when they do so, their eyes are often averted from the road to the pavement, looking for fresh fares.
In other words, be careful out there. While taxi drivers are very experienced drivers, at times such as these, their focus may not be on your safety.
In times of economic hardship, insurance claims by taxi drivers increase. The reasons have been investigated by insurers. While intuitively one might assume that fraud is the cause, it is not. Apparently, it appears that in times of recession, taxi drivers spend longer between fares, plying for hire and when they do so, their eyes are often averted from the road to the pavement, looking for fresh fares.
In other words, be careful out there. While taxi drivers are very experienced drivers, at times such as these, their focus may not be on your safety.