Some bikes have labels because that defines something quite crucial: that they were built by craftsmen. But yeah there's a lot snobbery associated with some 'brand-loyalty'. Thing is, if your Pashley snapped, they'd probably replace it quicksmart, bad for business innit. So would these guys too I expect^.
I also have an anonymous shiteheap. There's room for every kind of bike here, so good luck to you mate. Hope you get lots more enjoyment out of your 'hooligan' (<racist name btw).
Some bikes have labels because that defines something quite crucial: that they were built by craftsmen. But yeah there's a lot snobbery associated with some 'brand-loyalty'. Thing is, if your Pashley snapped, they'd probably replace it quicksmart, bad for business innit. So would these guys too I expect^.
I also have an anonymous shiteheap. There's room for every kind of bike here, so good luck to you mate. Hope you get lots more enjoyment out of your 'hooligan' (<racist name btw).