What's a good website for mapping out rides for those of us without GPS who instead rely on storing route data in our brain?
Google maps is driving me nuts. Reliability/ease of use is top priority, and I need to be able to save routes. If it can give me any other info above mileage that would be a bonus.
eh? Pete i am dissapoint.
there are others, or have I missed a trick? I can't store that shit in my brain either. Either write out a route card - or - if you can deal with the glitchyness of bikeroutetoaster - it will create one for you based on the route you map out.
eh? Pete i am dissapoint.
there are others, or have I missed a trick? I can't store that shit in my brain either. Either write out a route card - or - if you can deal with the glitchyness of bikeroutetoaster - it will create one for you based on the route you map out.