Pretty much the majority of all parts on the market are manufactured in China..Taiwan.. then rebranded over here, (forget about america and japan). The idea of material superiority is either brand enforced or a reflection of the user's opinion. You all must agree that Create has created (sorry for that) a brand identity, of which people are buying for the look of the bike rather than the performance, function, consideration of the product intended purpose (of which due to the nature of materials and processes used the create bike pretty much has none except mild/leisure cycling).
I am aware of the concept that money buys you what you pay for.....Its not like my carbon bianchi appeared from the sky. Surely the create fills a requirement and market gap, other wise they would not exist.
Upon reflection, I can fully understand all the comments made.. and from previous thought processes know that a bike on the 'bay would be more substantial than a create. Just wanted to feel the views toward and find out why they thought this.
Sooooo, If a brand appeared on the market, with a bike aimed at the £350 bracket with no named parts on it but looked the absolute tits....would you be intrigued?
their "market requirement" is this: cashing in on the radical "fixie scene" with bikes that seem to be good value for money and look great (apparently).
that is the sole purpose of a create bike, to look good (dubiously) on a bike that has no gears. they are purely fashion items. its like fake ralph lauren, from a distance it looks alright but then the label says "rolph laverne" and the logo is someone riding a cow. the stitching will fuck up, it wont fit properly and will be terribly made.
their "market requirement" is this: cashing in on the radical "fixie scene" with bikes that seem to be good value for money and look great (apparently).
that is the sole purpose of a create bike, to look good (dubiously) on a bike that has no gears. they are purely fashion items. its like fake ralph lauren, from a distance it looks alright but then the label says "rolph laverne" and the logo is someone riding a cow. the stitching will fuck up, it wont fit properly and will be terribly made.