People often don't realise that most Edge packages only come with basemaps which are quite frankly useless.
If I were you I'd give openstreetmap a go. IMHO its as good as the Garmin maps...pretty much 100% complete for roads in the UK but poor for paths and tracks should that be your thing.
Hi Nimhbus...your complaint is a common one.
People often don't realise that most Edge packages only come with basemaps which are quite frankly useless.
If I were you I'd give openstreetmap a go. IMHO its as good as the Garmin maps...pretty much 100% complete for roads in the UK but poor for paths and tracks should that be your thing.
Heres the link:
I'm sure there are alternatives but thats the only one I've tried and in comparison with the Garmin maps easily does the trick.