I've just decided I'm going to this, like two minutes ago. I'm going on the train via New Street. It's a short 2 mile ride from Redditch station to the jumble. If the weathers good tomorrow I think it'd be fun :)
Anyone game? 08:22 train from Coventry to New street, then change to the Redditch train. Probably head home around 4pm I guess, depends how big the place is (all stands have been sold though apparently).
I've just decided I'm going to this, like two minutes ago. I'm going on the train via New Street. It's a short 2 mile ride from Redditch station to the jumble. If the weathers good tomorrow I think it'd be fun :)
Anyone game? 08:22 train from Coventry to New street, then change to the Redditch train. Probably head home around 4pm I guess, depends how big the place is (all stands have been sold though apparently).