• #52
You lot are the mothers of invention.
• #53
Language isn't an invention.
• #54
Agreed. It's an obsession.
• #55
Oh, and the toaster.
wow, never imagined slowdive being referenced on lfgss. Note shoegazing and cycling at the same time is never a good idea!
• #56
On the basis of good invention, maybe not the greatest, but interesting:
http://www.gizmag.com/cranklock-technical-drawings/12391/for the original story:
Ok, possibly of no use on a fixie (!) but looks like another good way to add yet another dimension to cycling
sorry if repost
• #57
Hell Yeah!!!
• #58
• #59
Language isn't an invention.
I'd say it was, we didn't discover language ?
Maybe there is a class of thing between discoveries and inventions ?
'Inevitables' ?
• #60
It depends... I mean, if necessity is the mother of discovery that just makes them sisters.
• #61
I'd say it was, we didn't discover language ?
Maybe there is a class of thing between discoveries and inventions ?
'Inevitables' ?
I'm not saying it's inherent, exactly, which 'discover' would imply...but seeing as thought is a function of language, is produced by it, we couldn't have sat around and thought it up before it existed, so to speak. It's not like we have thoughts, and then reach for the language in which to clothe them; prior to language, all we have are a load of unfocused drives, and inexpressible physical or emotional urges. Imagine being Wayne Rooney – kinda like that.
• #62
I really don't want to imagine being Wayne Rooney.
• #63
He's like a child's drawing of an idiot :(
• #65
Language isn't an invention.
but writing is, those wily phonecians had it down
• #66
Crank Bros Speed lever.
Yes, HTFU... but why bother.