was passed this website by a colleague - I've never heard of Neo bikes, wondered if anyone knew anything about them, seen or owned one...? They look rather style over substance, not much info on the specs or origin, but then I'm not familiar with the made.com 'concept', which seems to be some group buy thang.
Wondering primarily about likely quality and origin of parts (to pass that info on), ie. are they actually 'worth' £600+, or only in a fashion-fail sense.
was passed this website by a colleague - I've never heard of Neo bikes, wondered if anyone knew anything about them, seen or owned one...? They look rather style over substance, not much info on the specs or origin, but then I'm not familiar with the made.com 'concept', which seems to be some group buy thang.
Wondering primarily about likely quality and origin of parts (to pass that info on), ie. are they actually 'worth' £600+, or only in a fashion-fail sense.
Googling mostly brings up these http://www.bikeforums.net/showthread.php/598287-09-Neo-Christmas-Groupbuy-Thread which may or may not be related.