Big dairy producer Winsconsin, at sporting events or on even less provocation the inhabitants will don cheese hats (giant foam wedges) and chant encouraging curdled bovine mammary fluid based slogans.
"The working class can kiss my arse I've got the foreman's job at last,
you're out of work and on the dole you can stick the red flag up your 'ole"...
^The Internationale.
I'd love to do it, funds permitting, but for now come round for coffee.
Nice one man. That will win me a pub quiz one day... if I could only remember the stuff that went into my brain...
So why was Wisconsin the target of this speech in particular?
Nice one man. That will win me a pub quiz one day... if I could only remember the stuff that went into my brain...
So why was Wisconsin the target of this speech in particular?