@Adman "Here is a little exercise for you. Do this while racing until it becomes 2nd nature. Try to remember where every rider is in the bunch after just a quick glance over you shoulder. Visualise where they all are. Now look again. How many did you get right? How many have moved? How many did you miss altogether? If you do this often enough you'll soon be in a sprint and know instinctively where everyone is. But you got to train your brain to do it."
more of this please, really useful and going to do that real soon.
(*faints from surprise forum was bang- on for once ;-)
@Adman "Here is a little exercise for you. Do this while racing until it becomes 2nd nature. Try to remember where every rider is in the bunch after just a quick glance over you shoulder. Visualise where they all are. Now look again. How many did you get right? How many have moved? How many did you miss altogether? If you do this often enough you'll soon be in a sprint and know instinctively where everyone is. But you got to train your brain to do it."
more of this please, really useful and going to do that real soon.
(*faints from surprise forum was bang- on for once ;-)