I managed to slice my finger trying to push a stanley blade into the metal clip inside it's handle last night so 'I didnt accidentally cut myself on it' thankfully it was but a mere scratch.
I did however manage to wrap a plaster round it this morning so tight that when I got to work my fingertip wasn't numb from the cold as I first thought it was actually a dead looking marble white/pale blue colour where it had no blood in it whatsoever. having removed the plaster it hurt like a motherb*tch for a few minutes and then I had the odd sensation of feeling the blood refilling throughout my finger slowly for next few minutes.
eeeeeeh. that looks pretty sore.
I managed to slice my finger trying to push a stanley blade into the metal clip inside it's handle last night so 'I didnt accidentally cut myself on it' thankfully it was but a mere scratch.
I did however manage to wrap a plaster round it this morning so tight that when I got to work my fingertip wasn't numb from the cold as I first thought it was actually a dead looking marble white/pale blue colour where it had no blood in it whatsoever. having removed the plaster it hurt like a motherb*tch for a few minutes and then I had the odd sensation of feeling the blood refilling throughout my finger slowly for next few minutes.
and there endeth the story of my fingertip.