I'm putting together an "art" project and need examples of online abuse of cyclists. These could come from blog posts, comments or forums. Here's a mild example from my "archive":
"Sharon says stop generalising but I'm not generalising I am being very specific when I say I REALLY HATE CYCLISTS AND I WISH THEY WOULD ALL GO AWAY!!! They only get away with what they do cos they can ride off quick. If you bhaved like a lot of them do on foot or in stuck traffic you would get punch ups and road rage and that's a fact.
- D Woodstock, London, 18/02/2009 16:02"
I have a fair few already but would welcome any gems you lovely people may come across in your travels. The more mental/offensive the better. To be of use to me they MUST be from web forums/blogs that are in the public domain and signed by their authors in a real name. Please post the link to the site rather then just the text as I need the reference too.
I will use these to produce an installation later this year which I will flag up on this thread when it is ready. The theme is bigotry and I would love to invite you all.
An appeal for assistance:
I'm putting together an "art" project and need examples of online abuse of cyclists. These could come from blog posts, comments or forums. Here's a mild example from my "archive":
"Sharon says stop generalising but I'm not generalising I am being very specific when I say I REALLY HATE CYCLISTS AND I WISH THEY WOULD ALL GO AWAY!!! They only get away with what they do cos they can ride off quick. If you bhaved like a lot of them do on foot or in stuck traffic you would get punch ups and road rage and that's a fact.
- D Woodstock, London, 18/02/2009 16:02"
I have a fair few already but would welcome any gems you lovely people may come across in your travels. The more mental/offensive the better. To be of use to me they MUST be from web forums/blogs that are in the public domain and signed by their authors in a real name. Please post the link to the site rather then just the text as I need the reference too.
I will use these to produce an installation later this year which I will flag up on this thread when it is ready. The theme is bigotry and I would love to invite you all.
Yours in gratitude,