Start off at the bottom serene as you like, get to stokey and am fucking livid. Peds don't give a fuck, too many hipster douches erratically trying to steer whatever shitheap douche bike they have bought on a whim, shite road surfaces and fucking maniac bus drivers.
Had a massive swear-fest at about 6 different people on my up there today. fucking tossers.
Fucking hate cycling up Kingsland Rd...
Start off at the bottom serene as you like, get to stokey and am fucking livid. Peds don't give a fuck, too many hipster douches erratically trying to steer whatever shitheap douche bike they have bought on a whim, shite road surfaces and fucking maniac bus drivers.
Had a massive swear-fest at about 6 different people on my up there today. fucking tossers.