So I've just cut down my threaded steerer tube for the required length with headset + 1 5mm spacer under the locknut. This is working fine and got it adjusted very smooth with quill stem in. How stable is this though with the aluminium spacer? I have the stem as far up as poss, only a few mm below the min insertion line.
Should I move it down further or can I trust the extra height given by the spacer to be strong due the the compression of the locknut with the threaded top-cap?
EDIT: my estimation is that the compressive stress will act against any latteral strain
So I've just cut down my threaded steerer tube for the required length with headset + 1 5mm spacer under the locknut. This is working fine and got it adjusted very smooth with quill stem in. How stable is this though with the aluminium spacer? I have the stem as far up as poss, only a few mm below the min insertion line.
Should I move it down further or can I trust the extra height given by the spacer to be strong due the the compression of the locknut with the threaded top-cap?
EDIT: my estimation is that the compressive stress will act against any latteral strain