Powerhaus pot I can imagine is very little if existing at all. I think it will cost hundreds to get the sruface redone, as it would have to be done by the coucnicl professionals. Also I don't thinbk the council are in the habit of letting people call certain parts of public parks "theirs" ?
I had a look today too, it's fuckign shit, worse than Manley or Chorlton. I still think we could just resuyrface it oursaelves? bet noone said anything when the hip replacements did bits, and I got some yellow workmans shirts?
it may be a long shot but if we get the council's backing and offer to fund part of it ourselves it's at least worth a try, isn't it? powerhouse court was built on council property, paid for with funding the netball team had. if we set ourselves up as a proper organisation and approach the council, maybe raise some funds through merch and tourneys etc (fsure we can think of a few ways to raise a few hundred quid), it may take a while but there's at least a chance they'll take us seriously.