I've currently got a charge plug, which I've been reliably informed has 120mm rear hub spacing.
Due to an impending longer commute (13 miles each way) I fancy a new bike, but funds are a bit tight at the moment. The commute is relatively flat - Hampton Hill to Victoria - and I fancy something geared.
My first thought is to sling an alfined rear wheel in there using the Sheldon Brown Cold Setting technique.
Is this relatively safe assuming I don't jump on the bit of timber and over stretch the frame?
I've thought that maybe you may be able to achieve a similar result using some threaded bar, washers and nuts and spread the frame like that, leave the assembly in place for a while and the frame should be spread, no?
I've currently got a charge plug, which I've been reliably informed has 120mm rear hub spacing.
Due to an impending longer commute (13 miles each way) I fancy a new bike, but funds are a bit tight at the moment. The commute is relatively flat - Hampton Hill to Victoria - and I fancy something geared.
My first thought is to sling an alfined rear wheel in there using the Sheldon Brown Cold Setting technique.
Is this relatively safe assuming I don't jump on the bit of timber and over stretch the frame?
I've thought that maybe you may be able to achieve a similar result using some threaded bar, washers and nuts and spread the frame like that, leave the assembly in place for a while and the frame should be spread, no?
Any thoughts?