Pompetamine, pretty much stock except the pivotal seatpost saddle seat combo which I chucked. I'll probably change the bars as these don't seem especially comfy to me on the drops. Maybe I will get used to them. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4113/5436147497_5ca17877a3.jpg
I might be wrong, but shouldn't you have a flat transition on the top of the bars to the hoods, with modern ergo bars?
I think they should be looking more like this:
That might help with the comfort. Or you could try compacts. FSA are cheap if you want to give the style a try before committing to pricer ones in a similar style.
I might be wrong, but shouldn't you have a flat transition on the top of the bars to the hoods, with modern ergo bars?
I think they should be looking more like this:
That might help with the comfort. Or you could try compacts. FSA are cheap if you want to give the style a try before committing to pricer ones in a similar style.