I'm thinking a bit later, the end of April maybe...
Apparently the 22nd and the 25th are Bank Holidays, the 29th is a Public Holiday (Royal wedding) and the 2nd of May is a Bank Holiday, at least that's what I was told earlier. If you strategically take three days off in the middle of that lot you get a free ten day block off work.
Anyway, somewhere in the middle of all that maybe?
I'm thinking a bit later, the end of April maybe...
Apparently the 22nd and the 25th are Bank Holidays, the 29th is a Public Holiday (Royal wedding) and the 2nd of May is a Bank Holiday, at least that's what I was told earlier. If you strategically take three days off in the middle of that lot you get a free ten day block off work.
Anyway, somewhere in the middle of all that maybe?