Thanks for the opinions, wasn't expecting to get that much feedback.
For a first try at slide film I am satisfied and now I have a better idea of what to expect from it. In hindsight I would have done a couple of things differently - bring a tripod and go alone. Most of the shots were rushed as I was on a hiking trip with my parents and wasn't able to spend long setting up and planning, just meter and shoot.
It was my first time incident metering too and I have another shot of the lodge that has 2 more stops of exposure( a guessed shot) which didn't really work out.
Thanks for the opinions, wasn't expecting to get that much feedback.
For a first try at slide film I am satisfied and now I have a better idea of what to expect from it. In hindsight I would have done a couple of things differently - bring a tripod and go alone. Most of the shots were rushed as I was on a hiking trip with my parents and wasn't able to spend long setting up and planning, just meter and shoot.
It was my first time incident metering too and I have another shot of the lodge that has 2 more stops of exposure( a guessed shot) which didn't really work out.