what I don't get is that the BBC's map below the pictures of sun/clouds & temperatures seems to show the right thing, i.e. possible rain in the afternoon, it never correlates to the pictures above, and they always seem to be overly optimistic above too.
I'd rather they say it might rain a little bit and it be dry than show a happy sun when it's going to pour!
Christ, at least if this kinda stuff riles me up, I must have it pretty easy...
p.s. bodieanddoyle / fieldcoil - i'll be riding from Paddington if either of you are passing by that area
what I don't get is that the BBC's map below the pictures of sun/clouds & temperatures seems to show the right thing, i.e. possible rain in the afternoon, it never correlates to the pictures above, and they always seem to be overly optimistic above too.
I'd rather they say it might rain a little bit and it be dry than show a happy sun when it's going to pour!
Christ, at least if this kinda stuff riles me up, I must have it pretty easy...
p.s. bodieanddoyle / fieldcoil - i'll be riding from Paddington if either of you are passing by that area