Oddly, that's exactly what I was thinking to myself as I was doing it yesterday ('I wonder if this is the way Nick heads back in to town...'), I remember you expressing familiarity when we've previously gone up Star.
/need to get out more
//cleaning yesterday's accumulated gunk off the bike in the shower (no access to hose, innit). Definitely a mudguards ride on Sunday, my bike is caked in filth, and so was I when I got in.
Oddly, that's exactly what I was thinking to myself as I was doing it yesterday ('I wonder if this is the way Nick heads back in to town...'), I remember you expressing familiarity when we've previously gone up Star.
/need to get out more
//cleaning yesterday's accumulated gunk off the bike in the shower (no access to hose, innit). Definitely a mudguards ride on Sunday, my bike is caked in filth, and so was I when I got in.