I was following this: http://www.routeyou.com/route/view/60991/cycle-route-hell-of-ashdown-recce.en , no idea if it's right or not... my Garmin gave up and gave me a straight line back to Cudham around Bough Beech, so I had to guess a bit, but did Bayleys, along to Ide, up Star and across, which looks pretty much spot on.
I was following this: http://www.routeyou.com/route/view/60991/cycle-route-hell-of-ashdown-recce.en , no idea if it's right or not... my Garmin gave up and gave me a straight line back to Cudham around Bough Beech, so I had to guess a bit, but did Bayleys, along to Ide, up Star and across, which looks pretty much spot on.