Jean Lambert MEP
Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London
Syed Kamall
Conservative MEP for London
Marina Yannakoudakis MEP
Conservative Party / Brussels Office / European Parliament
the usual nonsense from Gerard Batten UKIP
***I always vote against EU legislation, believing that the governance of countries should be by their accountable and directly elected governments. It would therefore be inconsistent to sign a Written Declaration calling for further EU legislation. Please see the attached copy of my Personal Declaration that states the basis on which I hold my seat in the European Parliament.
I appreciate that you may be disappointed by my response but I hope you will appreciate that I am maintaining a consistent stance for those who elected me on the principles on which I stood.***
received positive replies from:-
Jean Lambert MEP
Green Party Member of the European Parliament for London
Syed Kamall
Conservative MEP for London
Marina Yannakoudakis MEP
Conservative Party / Brussels Office / European Parliament
the usual nonsense from Gerard Batten UKIP
***I always vote against EU legislation, believing that the governance of countries should be by their accountable and directly elected governments. It would therefore be inconsistent to sign a Written Declaration calling for further EU legislation. Please see the attached copy of my Personal Declaration that states the basis on which I hold my seat in the European Parliament.
I appreciate that you may be disappointed by my response but I hope you will appreciate that I am maintaining a consistent stance for those who elected me on the principles on which I stood.***
what a twat, he deserves a CotHO nomination..