Since buying the frame, its had a fair bit of use, ridden on average once or twice a week. I added the CIOCC decals, but if you prefer, they are easy to remove and they haven't been lacquered over.
There is a little pitting on the chrome and I have tried to show this in the photos. The frame has tiny/hardly noticeable rust spots here and there, nothing major, but they are there and the price reflects this.
It comes with a shimano BB, that is fine, but I didnt have the time to remove it. As mentioned in AndyP's post, the headset is very nice and comes with it.
Here's the frame I bought a while back from AndyP, the add is below
Since buying the frame, its had a fair bit of use, ridden on average once or twice a week. I added the CIOCC decals, but if you prefer, they are easy to remove and they haven't been lacquered over.
There is a little pitting on the chrome and I have tried to show this in the photos. The frame has tiny/hardly noticeable rust spots here and there, nothing major, but they are there and the price reflects this.
For collection only from SW6.
Price £120
Recent photos are here
It comes with a shimano BB, that is fine, but I didnt have the time to remove it. As mentioned in AndyP's post, the headset is very nice and comes with it.
Dibs & pm's