• #2
I don't believe that this was that expensive last time I looked:
What you need is a "P Clip" with a long-ish (inch?) M5 bolt. That bit is easy. The hard bit is replicating the washers that actually hold the "mudguard stay wire" onto the bolt. These are a thick (6-8mm) washer with a groove cut off-centre (imagine that the washer is a watch face, it would have a line cut through it vertically from 11pm to 7pm). You need two washers for each side of each mudguard, as they have two mudguard stay wires on each side iirc.
You need:
4x P clips
8x grooved fat washers
4x bolts
4x nutsMost of this should be available from hardware stores, I have yet to find the grooved fat washers and so made some but not hugely successfully. My mudguards now sit in a cupboard awaiting my getting some DIY-energy...
Hope that helps - all from memory from a year or so ago so not sure. Also, apologies in advance for semi-hijack, does anyone know where I could get L shaped braces that would fit these? They bolt on to the mudguard, and then have a hole to go onto the bolt that attaches the brake calliper.
• #3
Francis Thurmer sells them, he's a mobile repair man and jumble van, on the web ish as cyclesplus.co.uk. The key bit is two pairs of fat washer things with grooves across one segment, that grip the two stay ends. He'll also send you draw bolts and the rather thin nut that fixes them from inside the guard, and the shitty wire loops that attach to the bridges. If your wire stays have been cut before, check they reach to ~ 1cm past your mudguard eyes, or you might need new stays too.
While you're at it ask him for some dope black reflective strips, they're awesome.
• #4
Skully - Thank you - I have been trying to remember his website/name for aeons...
• #5
He's at a lot of jumbles but I think doesn't carry the Salmon parts unless you ask him to.
• #6
thanks for all the info! Will start tracking down the bits ASAP...
Soooo, I have a pair of lovely Salmon Profil mudguards but am lacking the bits to fit them to the mudguard eyes on my frame... they have just straight wires attaching to the guards, so should need some sort of little bolts for these to thread onto, right?
Any ideas/parts spare/love would be appreciated, as the rain is getting my arse wet.