In part two, the Owl represents the international banking community, and the two black cats that skulk away after it are Cameron and Osborne. It's intentionally ironic that the black cat is a traditional symbol of anarchism, perhaps reflecting their adherence to anarcho-capitalist thatcherite 'ideology'.
Rupert's pathetic, feeble 'watch out' represents the asleep-at-the-wheel regulators, and the frog chorus is the smooth running of civil society.
In part two, the Owl represents the international banking community, and the two black cats that skulk away after it are Cameron and Osborne. It's intentionally ironic that the black cat is a traditional symbol of anarchism, perhaps reflecting their adherence to anarcho-capitalist thatcherite 'ideology'.
Rupert's pathetic, feeble 'watch out' represents the asleep-at-the-wheel regulators, and the frog chorus is the smooth running of civil society.