What chukker said, if you're name is first on the round of fixtures it's your home game.
I also think that this year you are unfortunately in the league with more NEasties, the other division has the majority of the South teams.
Also, No offence, but maybe if you replied to PMs/Texts/Emails, before the deadline (our fixture is actually out of the deadline) organising them south may be a bit easier.
It wasn't a complaint exclusively against you or anyone in particular. Part of the reason I don't always return emails is because `i am so f'ing busy and bogged down with work I don't get much time to breathe let alone speak to other human beings. Whatever, let it lay and forget it.
It wasn't a complaint exclusively against you or anyone in particular. Part of the reason I don't always return emails is because `i am so f'ing busy and bogged down with work I don't get much time to breathe let alone speak to other human beings. Whatever, let it lay and forget it.