The black one has been irreversibly separated into several pieces by Dovvles with a hammer. These pieces are strewn around the back garden, apart from one piece which has thoughtfully welded itself into my low pro frame.
Half of the silver one is also lying in the back garden, looking slightly mangled and corroded. The other half is currently fizzing away nicely in my frame under the influence of some B&Q super strength caustic soda. Neither my Bob Jackson or my hands are liking this process very much....
You're welcome to collect either of them for free any evening from Brentford ;p
You funny fuckers.
I have two actually....
One black and one silver.
The black one has been irreversibly separated into several pieces by Dovvles with a hammer. These pieces are strewn around the back garden, apart from one piece which has thoughtfully welded itself into my low pro frame.
Half of the silver one is also lying in the back garden, looking slightly mangled and corroded. The other half is currently fizzing away nicely in my frame under the influence of some B&Q super strength caustic soda. Neither my Bob Jackson or my hands are liking this process very much....
You're welcome to collect either of them for free any evening from Brentford ;p