The threading goes quickly, once you get the pattern going. But tensioning, truing, having a feel, tensioning some more, truing again. Takes time. I've built quite a few wheel now, but always like to leave them for a day or so before adding rim tape (well veloplugs). So I can have a last check and true.
The most important advice on the sheldon brown site regarding wheels, is the bit about being prepared to stop aand finish them the next day.
The threading goes quickly, once you get the pattern going. But tensioning, truing, having a feel, tensioning some more, truing again. Takes time. I've built quite a few wheel now, but always like to leave them for a day or so before adding rim tape (well veloplugs). So I can have a last check and true.
The most important advice on the sheldon brown site regarding wheels, is the bit about being prepared to stop aand finish them the next day.