• #27
How long does it take to receive the rebate cheque?
• #28
How long does it take to receive the rebate cheque?
Three months in my case and I had to hassle them a bit. I fronted the cash and got it back.
• #29
We're always looking for volunteers at Wheels for Wellbeing. We support disabled people to cycle and have group sessions in Croydon (Tues and Sat at the moment) and at Brockwell Park in Brixton (Fri) and provided 1:1 lessons too.
Tuesdays and Saturdays? These are my days off. You have a message!
We're always looking for volunteers at Wheels for Wellbeing. We support disabled people to cycle and have group sessions in Croydon (Tues and Sat at the moment) and at Brockwell Park in Brixton (Fri) and provided 1:1 lessons too.
Feel free to check out our website - www.wheelsforwellbeing.org.uk for more info or call David, our Session Coordinator on 020 7346 8482 Mon-Weds for more info.