ironic that the only swivel-eyed extremists you see in the papers of late happen to be pig-ignorant, banner waving crackers. comedy gold that tommy robinson, top dog at the EDL owns a tanning salon.
I chuckled when I heard that, but it does add to his platform as an 'ordinary bloke' whose concerns are not being heard by politicians (until yesterday, at least). Having that Sikh bloke on board can't hurt either, and I note on their web site there's some moderate muslim cleric who has come out in favour of them.
I chuckled when I heard that, but it does add to his platform as an 'ordinary bloke' whose concerns are not being heard by politicians (until yesterday, at least). Having that Sikh bloke on board can't hurt either, and I note on their web site there's some moderate muslim cleric who has come out in favour of them.