• #2
great tune
nice vid -
• #3
Not my cup of tea musically, but I really enjoyed watching that... Nicely done... :]
• #4
Forwarded to David Knight. Promonews loves cheap vids :)
Nice 'un, Jon
• #5
:-) Thanks!
• #6
is that filmed at auto italia? looks like it
• #7
No, it was shot at James Taylor Gallery in Hackney
• #8
ahhhhh thats it! i new i recognised it!! is that still open? last I heard it was about to knocked down?
wicked space though! cool video
• #9
nice work Jon. enjoyed it, silly dancing ftw.
• #10
Brunette has good hair/fringe
• #11
Most definitely silly dancing ftw!
• #12
Are music videos called promo's now? Is it a hipster thing?
Nice vid though, looks good enough to be on the telly.
• #13
Are music videos called promo's now? Is it a hipster thing?
They always have been haven't they?
Promo videos... sounds right to me -
• #14
Are music videos called promo's now? Is it a hipster thing?
I've never really thought about it.....
• #15
This will get bounced into the hipster thread but I like it. Not overly pretentious. Good work on a budget!
• #16
:-p Thanks for watching guys. It seems this video is really doing the rounds!
• #17
. bump for monday :-)
You guys are usually so good with watching my films here's a new little promo I've just finished for the band A.Human. Cost £100 and took one day it was fun and I hope that comes across in the video :-)
Lots of silly dancing :-)
Jon xx