What you are suggesting with a repeater is certainly possible, but it's more the question of getting the technology for it.
Personally, if I was going to do that I would probably take some old PC (I have shitloads of them, could easily give you one), and get two wireless cards for it, then bridge the networks.
Loud, heavy on power, complex..As cheap bridging goes, LInksys WRT54G + DDWRT + 2 minutes of config FTW. As H said, there isnt much 3G around his place either, so he's going to be balancing the router or a mifi somewhere awkward and hoping for the best. Even the neighbours wifi signals arent that good.
Loud, heavy on power, complex..As cheap bridging goes, LInksys WRT54G + DDWRT + 2 minutes of config FTW. As H said, there isnt much 3G around his place either, so he's going to be balancing the router or a mifi somewhere awkward and hoping for the best. Even the neighbours wifi signals arent that good.