Understatement of the day. I think you've probably got your saddle too high, so getting fitted properly would reduce the comedy element of it. If you're going racing, you might find putting 20mm of spacers under the elbow rests and losing the same from the spacer stack under the 'stem' makes the balance between positions on the Angel bars better.
I know. Its small, but the length of the frame and bar is actually alright I think. Its not ridden in though. I only had a roll up and down the road on dry day here in the winter, so thats why it might look ekstra odd setup wise. Thanks anyway, I'll give your tips a go.
I know. Its small, but the length of the frame and bar is actually alright I think. Its not ridden in though. I only had a roll up and down the road on dry day here in the winter, so thats why it might look ekstra odd setup wise. Thanks anyway, I'll give your tips a go.