I've just moved flats and BT tells me it will be almost two months before they can make it all the way to Hackney to hook up a phone line. Which means no broadband in the flat. As a consolation prize, I have been told I can have access to BT Fon/Openzone in the mean time (which, actually, is a pretty decent way of handling it by them. They didn't offer it, to be honest, but I asked and they said yes).
Anyway. I can find a BT Fon and Openzone AP from my flat. But, there are only two places which allow me to get stable-ish connections (1 bar). I figured I could put a repeater in a place with a good connection, and voila! Internet in the whole flat..
This sound logical to people? If so, anyone got a repeater I can borrow for a couple months/buy for cheap? Or, anyone know how to turn a BT Home Hub (V.1 or 2) into a repeater? I've read up about it online and I've seen instruction on how to do it if the master hub is also a BT Home Hub (which, most BT Fon APs are). But I couldn't really figure it out (I would need to know, I think, the IP range of the master hub).
Finally, BT Fon has a login process via a web page, not WEP or WPA or whatever else there might be (like a coffee shop or airport). Any repeaters out there have the power to handle this themselves? I also have a BT Vision box which I'd like to be able to use, and I suspect this is necessary (although it has a freeview PVR, it won't boot without an internet connection). I believe DD-WRT can do this, but I don't really know for sure.
I've just moved flats and BT tells me it will be almost two months before they can make it all the way to Hackney to hook up a phone line. Which means no broadband in the flat. As a consolation prize, I have been told I can have access to BT Fon/Openzone in the mean time (which, actually, is a pretty decent way of handling it by them. They didn't offer it, to be honest, but I asked and they said yes).
Anyway. I can find a BT Fon and Openzone AP from my flat. But, there are only two places which allow me to get stable-ish connections (1 bar). I figured I could put a repeater in a place with a good connection, and voila! Internet in the whole flat..
This sound logical to people? If so, anyone got a repeater I can borrow for a couple months/buy for cheap? Or, anyone know how to turn a BT Home Hub (V.1 or 2) into a repeater? I've read up about it online and I've seen instruction on how to do it if the master hub is also a BT Home Hub (which, most BT Fon APs are). But I couldn't really figure it out (I would need to know, I think, the IP range of the master hub).
Finally, BT Fon has a login process via a web page, not WEP or WPA or whatever else there might be (like a coffee shop or airport). Any repeaters out there have the power to handle this themselves? I also have a BT Vision box which I'd like to be able to use, and I suspect this is necessary (although it has a freeview PVR, it won't boot without an internet connection). I believe DD-WRT can do this, but I don't really know for sure.
Help me, Obi-Wan, you're my only hope.