• #2
You tried searching ([ame="http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=related:http://www.ebay.co.uk/&cts=1257625364452"]SEARCH[/ame]) are you sure?
There are two alternatives on the first page, and a most popular alternative at number two on the 2nd page.
• #3
I searched this forum, not google but following your search you pointed to Loot, Gumtree (owned by ebay i believe) and amazon, am I correct in that assumption? thse sites are more advert sites, and am trying to sell things via those sites but would prefer
What I'm looking for is an auction site, thats not ebay and wondering if you guys used other sites.
• #4
ebay rules supreme.
• #6
i'd try another small online site, chances are all the people there will happily pay top dollar and they will all be polite and well educated
• #7
personally I am so bored of seeing all these eBay clones popping up left and right, most of which are ugly as and offer absolutely nothing unique. I would give some of the new startups such as Addoway or Buzzmart.com a shot, they have actually attempted to offer something different and to me that is what is what I look for in an alternative marketplace.
• #9
IMO the ebay part of ebay is fine - great even.
It's once you have to start dealing with the robbing cunts at Paypal that I lose my patience.
Their latest is that I cannot add my bank account to my Paypal account because they have been added to other Paypal accounts in the past.
I kill my Paypal account whenever i don't expect to use it for more than a month or so because my girlfriend had one that sat empty and unused and it got used by hackers to run scam auctions on ebay which ended up with Paypal denying her account had been hacked and threatening to send bailiffs round to collect money which they said she owed buyers even though they had been the ones that alerted her to the hacking in the first place. -
• #10
I kill my Paypal account whenever i don't expect to use it for more than a month or so because my girlfriend had one that sat empty and unused and it got used by me to run scam auctions on ebay which ended up with Paypal denying her account had been hacked and threatening to send bailiffs round to collect money which they said she owed buyers even though they had been the ones that alerted her to the hacking in the first place. And fucked if I am letting her do the same to me
ftfy :)
Well I am bit tired of dealing with people on ebay who are unable to read the listing, and being unable to leave the appropriate feed back and having to use paypal.
Is there another viable alternative auction site?
(Yes I tried search and didn't come up with anything or than ebay posts)